Yeah, I said it. Everyone knows it. Especially the ones who promulgated the second greatest con on the American people. That the 2020 election was “the most secure election of all time” is the biggest gaslight next to the “safe and effective covid vaccine.”
These two issues are so tightly related, so intertwined; Covid led to the stolen election. We watched it with our own eyes.
Now, these years later, we know the mail in ballots were 20% or more fraudulent. We know truckloads of ballots arrived days and days beyond the election. (I saw that in Maricopa County myself!) We know the halted count was done in vulnerable states who had been captured by corruption.
We also know the ‘J6 was an insurrection’ message was forced onto the American people by media corruption so deep, it will take a tsunami to clean it up.
I want to be a part of that tsunami. It will take all of us recognizing we’ve been captured by an unjust system, before we can turn this tide.
Watching Patriot brothers and sisters languish in jail without due process has shaken the core of what it means to be an American. Being first set up by a dishonest government and then bullied into plea deals is not justice. It is reminiscent of the old Soviet gulags.
We must see our political prisoners set free and hold those accountable who have committed such atrocities against American citizens, these crimes against our constitution. Without fail this must be done immediately! How can we look at future generations and hope to gain their trust if we allow this injustice to continue?
We are in serious danger as a nation. We face a cultural war, an asymmetrical war, a pending looming attack on our soil after three years of open borders, global takeover of our food supply and sovereignty – these issues and more now threaten our very way of life.
Stand with us and LET’S ALL FIGHT BACK!
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